Seminaris d’ECoMMFiT

Els seminaris d’ECoMMFiT es duen a terme dues vegades al mes per discutir en general sobre l’ampli ventall de treball de recerca en fluids en fluids que es du a terme dins i fora del grup. És una gran oportunitat per la nostra comunitat (estudiants, postdocs i membres de l’Escola) així com pels visitants per unir i compartir pensaments sobre la recerca en un context informal. Llevat que s'indiqui el contrari, els seminaris es duen a terme els divendres de 10h a 11h al laboratori 111 del Departament d'Enginyeria Mecànica.
Si desitges participar-hi, estarem encantats de comptar amb tu per donar un seminari i conèixer la nostra comunitat. Si us plau, no dubtis a contactar amb nosaltres a aquest correu electrònic.

NOTA: la convocatòria de seminari es realitza a través de correu electrònic. Si desitgeu ser inclosos en la nostra llista de distribució, cal enviar una petició a Lluís Vàzquez.


  • Experimental and numerical study of the flow and aerosol dispersion in a violent expiratory event, Nicolás Catalán Farías, URV, July 19th.
  • Mixed Convective Peristaltic Flow of Micropolar Fluid Through a Vertical Asymmetric Channel, Arshama Khan, URV, May 17th.
  • Machine Learning - Enhanced Predictive Modeling for Air Quality Assessment in Madrid, Koorosh Kazemi, URV, March 15th.
  • Experimental and numerical study of sediment scour under impinging vertical jet, Mariana Mendina Universidad de la República, Uruguay, January 26th.
  • Numerical modeling of high aspect ratio fibers in fluid flows, Mohammadjavad Norouzi, URV, January 12th - video.
  • Analysis of the Effects of Severe Weather with the COAWST Model Comparing Coupled and Decoupled Simulations, as well as Using Machine Learning Algorithms to Predict the Impact on Populations, Jordi Iglesias Deutú, URV, December 1st.
  • Numerical simulations of particle turbulent dispersion and deposition with implications for the spreading of airborne diseases, Akim Lavrinenko, URV, November 10th.
  • 2022/2023

    • Rheological study of micro-droplet formation in co-flow capillary device, Farnoosh Hormohzinezhad, URV, July 21st - video.
    • Biomass Pyrolysis for Value-Added Products, Dra. Silvana Tourn, Universidad Tecnológica Nacional, June 23rd.
    • An overview of the current efforts on Machine Learning and Data Science front, Dr. Alexandre Fabregat, URV, June 2nd - video.
    • Numerical investigation of a single bubble and a pair of bubbles rising in Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids with interfacial passive scalar transfer, Koorosh Kazemi, URV, May 5th.
    • Use of machine learning to predict severe weather impact, Jordi Iglesias, URV, April 14th - video.
    • Numerical study of cerebral aneurysms using different rheological models with diverse pathologies, Nicolás Catalán, URV, March 31st - vídeo.
    • Horizontal gas-liquid two-phase flow: The importance of sub-regimes subdivision, Dr. Abderraouf Arabi, URV, March 10th.
    • Applications of machine learning to identify drivers of Phytophthora infestans population diversity, Dr. Araceli Torró, Fundació URV, February 24th.
    • Fully-resolved numerical simulations of the turbulent flow, particle deposition and dispersion in cubical cavity with two pairs of differentially heated opposed walls at Ra = 3.6 x 109, Akim Lavrinenko, URV, February 10th.
    • Evaluation of models based on artificial intelligence for the spatial prediction of forest fire risk, Fidel Bonet, Ematsa/URV, January 23rd.


    • Tornado resilience: 21st Century Design and Equity Challenge, Dr. David Prevatt, University of Florida, July 20th.
    • Study of coupling the atmosphere wave and ocean modeling (COAWST) during Gloria storm, Jordi Iglesias Deutú, URV, 19 de novembre.
    • Numerical simulation of two-phase liquid-liquid and three-phase gas-liquid-liquid flows in horizontal pipes, Ronaldo Luis Höhn, URV, 29 d'octubre.
    • Study of rheological and mechanical properties of a thermoplastic polymer, Farnoosh Hormozinezhad, URV, 15 d'octubre.
    • Coupled CFD-PBM simulation of two- and three-phase systems, Francesco Maniscalco, Politecnico di Torino, 1 d'octubre.


    • Local radial point interpolation cumulant Lattice Boltzmann Method, Mohsen GorakiFard, Ecommfit, URV, 14 de maig.
    • Using Machine Learning to estimate the Impact of Ports and Cruise ship traffic on urban air quality: the case of Barcelona, Àlex Fabregat, Ecommfit, URV, 18 de desembre. Pots veure'l aquí: 1a part, 2a part, 3a part, 4a part.
    • CFD Modeling of Multi-phase Turbulent Flows in a Bubble Column Reactor, Mojtaba Goraki Fard, Ecommfit, URV, 4 de desembre. Pots veure'l aquí: 1a part, 2a part, 3a part.
    • Investigation of the hydrodynamic characteristics of small-size autonomous vehicle, Akim Lavrinenko, Ecommfit, URV, 20 de novembre. Pots veure'l aquí: 1a part, 2a part.
    • Numerical Simulation of Inter Facial Transport Phenomenon of Bubbles Immersed on Non-Newtonian Fluids, Koorosh Kazemi, Ecommfit, URV, 23 d'octubre. Pots veure'l aquí: 1a part, 2a part.
    • Image processing for determining droplet size distribution, Paolo Sassi, Ecommfit, URV, 9 d'octubre. Pots veure'l aquí.
    • Analysis and flow comparison of airflow in Palau Güell's chimneys, Jordi Iglesias, Ecommfit, URV, 25 de setembre.


    • 28 de febrer de 2020, Numerical Tool for Pollution Dispersion Simulations, Gonzalo Fernández, Ecommfit, URV.
    • 14 de febrer de 2020, Prediction of particle deposition in enclosed turbulent natural convection flows using mixed convection boundary layer approximations: A first step to find quick answers to questions such as "When do we have to clean art works inside display cases?", Jordi Pallarès, Ecommfit, URV.
    • 31 de gener de 2020, Numerical simulation of particle advection and deposition in enclosed turbulent flows driven by natural convection, Alexandre Fabregat, Ecommfit, URV.


    • 26 d'abril de 2019, Particle tracking in coastal waters with application to plastic pollution, José M. Alsina, Laboratory of Maritime Engineering, UPC.
    • 14 de desembre de 2018, Jet flow control applied to a projectile, Mohsen Goraki Fard, URV.
    • 15 de novembre de 2018, Numerical and experimental analysis in a cylindrical cavity with a rotating lid, Joshua David Selvaraj, URV.
    • 20 d'octubre de 2018, Flow control using local unsteady heating, Rafael Jurado Cruz, URV.


    • 13 de juliol de 2018, 3D Numerical study of flow regime within bubble column reactor (BCR), Mojtaba Goraki Fard, URV.
    • 29 de juny de 2018, Magnetohydrodinamics for fusion nuclear reactor cooling, Daniel Suárez, Tecnatom.
    • 15 de juny de 2018, Numerical & experimental study of flow in cylindrical cavity, Joshua David Selvaraj, URV.
    • 1 de juny de 2018, Effect of free surface on a flat plate translating normal to the flow, Sukruth Satheesh, URV.
    • 18 de maig de 2018, Tribological and mechanical characterization of copper-alloy/diamond composites for the use in glass molding industry, Mohammadjavad Norouzi, URV.
    • 11 de maig de 2018, Numerical simulation of non-premixed laminar flame behavior with electric fields and buoyancy, Claudia López, Irvine University, California, USA.
    • 4 de maig de 2018, Models numèrics: de la dinàmica de fluids a l'energia, Jordi Solé, Institut de Ciències del Mar, Barcelona.
    • 27 d'abril de 2018, Fluid structure interaction simulations involving free surface, Héctor Díaz, URV.
    • 16 de març de 2018, Numerical simulation of atmospheric pollutants dispersion in an urban environment, Gonzalo Fernández, Universidad de la República, Uruguay.
    • 2 de març de 2018, Meshless Methods for Heat conduction simulation, Javier Neira, URV.
    • 2 de febrer de 2018, Particle dispersion in a double-diffusive turbulent layer, Jordi Pallarès, URV.
    • 15 de desembre de 2017, Dynamics and efficiency of two flapping foils in a quiescent fluid, Francesc Huera, URV.
    • 1 de desembre de 2017, A coupled Discrete Element and Finite Volume Methods for the simulation of elastic bodies, Paolo Sassi, URV.
    • 10 de novembre de 2017, CFD case studies and code development, Ferran Gisbert, ITP.
    • 3 de novembre de 2017, Simulation of wind farms operation using CFD and Actuator Line Model, Andrés Guggeri, Universidad de la República, Uruguay.
    • 20 d'octubre de 2017, Numerical Simulations of Droplet Breakup in Homogeneous Isotropic Turbulence, Àlex Fabregat, URV.


    • 30 de juny de 2017, A dinamica de N-corpos sobre superfícies, as leis de Maxwell & os axiomas da Mecanica, Stefanella Boatto, Instituto de Matemática, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro.
    • 16 de juny de 2017, Numerical modeling of ferrous iron oxidation in a split-rectangular airlift reactor, Youssef Stiriba, ECoMMFiT - URV.
    • 2 de juny de 2017, Energy-conserving algorithm for molecular dynamics simulations, Clara Salueña, ECoMMFiT - URV.
    • 19 de maig de 2017, The Bénard-Marangoni instability, phase transition in capillary driven thermal convection, Clément Haeck, LIFE - URV.
    • 5 de maig de 2017, On the impact of reboosting manouvers in DCMIX1 experiments: Pure molecular diffusion of ternary liquid systems, Rafael Jurado Cruz, Área Física Aplicada del Departamento de Química Física e Inorgánica - URV.
    • 31 de març de 2017, CFD Simulation of the Effect of Coalescence Behavior of Liquid on Bubble Column Hydrodynamics, Mojtaba Goraki Fard, ECoMMFiT - URV.
    • 17 de març de 2017, Sensitivity of Vortex-Induced Vibrations to localized perturbations in the wake, Dr. Francisco Huera, LIFE - URV.
    • 3 de març de 2017, Particle dispersion on a circular shear layer, Dr. Jordi Pallarès, ECoMMFiT - URV.
    • 3 de febrer de 2017, On the route to turbulence, Dr. Sebastian Altmeyer, IST, Institute of Science and Technology, Austria.
    • 11 de novembre de 2016, Simulación Numérica Multidinámica, Dr. Gabriel Usera, IMFIA/Facultad de Ingeniería, Universidad de la República, Uruguay.
    • 28 d'octubre de 2016, Hydrodynamic Modeling of Granular Materials, Ms. Lídia Almazán, Friedrich-Alexander Universität, Erlangen-Nürnberg.
    • 14 d'octubre de 2016, Clustering of long flexible fibers in two-dimensional flow fields for different Stokes numbers, Dr. Manuel Martínez, ECoMMFiT - URV.
    • 30 de setembre de 2016, Drag reduction and wake control using optimised base cavities, Dr. Jose Ignacio Jiménez. Universidad de Jaén.
    • 16 de setembre de 2016, Review of Boundary Conditions and Investigation Towards the Development of a Growth Model: a Lattice Boltzmann Method Approach, Mr. Albert Puig, ECoMMFiT - URV.